7 March 2023
by Lejondary
I’m messing around with how I want to do things around here. Still. Even the way I write my journal entries. As of right now, I’ll try doing this without double spacing it unless to break the paragraphs.
Okay, what productive things did I do on 03.07.23?
I finally had connected my GitHub profile to redirect to my custom Google Domain. It may sounds easy to do, but in actuality, there’s not a lot of information on how to do so, making it not very accessible to the common person, which is why I want to create a type of mini guide to help people find out how to do it if they have a custom Google Domain. I recall following lots of videos and reading lots of documentation from both sites, Google Domains and GitHub, trying to figure it out. Honestly, before I had bought my custom Google Domain, I had not realized that it was just a domain name registrar. I figured it out either way since GitHub Pages was the web hosting service for it. I want to list a few problems that I ran into so that people will be able to learn from my mistakes.
- Dig command
- Since I am using Git Bash on Windows 10, the Dig command doesn’t exist. I had to install BIND, which would be used to verify if my custom domain exists, on the windows prompt. Unfortunately, this version will be discontinued in the near future. That’s my cue to switch over to another OS soon. Lol.
- SSL error
- The main problem that I was encountering is that I was experiencing an ssl error when you launched into my site. I thought I had to go through many options for SSL/TLS certifications like Google CA Trust Services or Let’s Encrypt’s Certbot, but I didn’t at all. It took me much longer to figure this one out because its such a small mistake. For your information, SSL/TLS certifications provide the HTTPS before your domain name, verifying that when you visit that site, your information is safe from middle-man attacks. Its signified through having a little lock sign to the left of your domain on your browser’s address bar. The biggest thing from this is that lots of videos and guides do not explicitly say how important it is to put “www.customdomain.com” in the github settings. I spent so much time researching and found out is was a tiny tiny detail that causes the ssl error. Despite all that time, I’m glad I did because I learned a lot in this process.
Some ideas that sparked on 03.07.23:
- I’ve started reading The Unicorn Project, sequel to The Phoenix Project, and Personal Kanban: Mapping Work & Navigating Life. I heard about kanban, its even mentioned in The Phoenix Project, and I’m curious as to how it works. I’m experimenting with it using Notion.
- I’ve come up with a fun project idea of creating a DDR game. It’d be fun to make one, similar to the one I played on the computer back in the day with the songs “Kick the Can” and “Butterfly.”
Life Updates:
- I spent time over the weekend watching the 2nd Demon Slayer “movie” with one of my closest friends. It was a great time other than the movie itself honestly. We had a conversation about food and how its one of the greatest things in life. It really changed my perspective on food in general since I grew up not really appreciating it, but eating food just to survive. Despite my previous opinion about food’s importance in life, I’ve always had a knack for making it. At least I feel that way. Haha.
- I’ve started Naruto again. From the beginning. I never finished it when I was younger, which was when it came out (now I feel old), because at the time, it was fillers for days. I want to restart Naruto because I want to finish something that I started long ago. Apparently, it changed my friend’s life and hopefully it changes mine too.
Things to Look Forward To:
- The next weekend is my other closest friend’s, whom I’ll know for the rest of my life no doubt, birthday bananza. I’M SUPER STOKED!
- Kendrick Lamar was announced to be playing at OutsideLands. HOLY MOLY, SUPER DUPER EXCITED FOR THAT!
- I’m thankful for having someone like my best friends in my life. They’ve always had my back and believed in my when I don’t myself. I’m certain we’ll know each other for the rest of our lives. Truly grateful.
categories: journal
tags: entry